Recruitment Test – Stage 1
Time limit:
– 20 minutes to watch the test explainer video (on your right)
– 25 minutes to crack the test
– Total: 45 minutes
Steps to perform in this assignment :
The output should look like this :
Submit your test
JSON file to parse
Test Explainer Video
You may like to maximize this video to see clearly.
Frequently asked questions
Which programming language to use?
Any language that you like.
My time limit was over. Can I still submit?
Yes, sure. However, the time limit plays a role in our selection criteria for this job.
When can I hear back from you?
If you submitted your test, you will hear from us within 2 business days.
Can I take someone’s help?
You may research on internet as much as you like. However, taking help of a human is not allowed.
What happens after this test?
If you clear this test, you qualify for Round 2, which may involve telephonic or voice conference interview, followed by an another coding test assignment.